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FORSYTHIA intermedia ´Lynwood´ (=´Lynwood Gold´, ´Lynwood Variety´) FORSYTHIA intermedia
(=´Lynwood Gold´, ´Lynwood Variety´)
Golden Bell ´Lynnwood´
Forsythia intermedia ´Nimbus´ FORSYTHIA intermedia
Forsythia ´Nimbus´
GENISTA lydia (= spathulata) GENISTA lydia
(= spathulata)
Lydia Broom
GINKGO biloba GINKGO biloba
Ginkgo, Maidenhair Tree
HEPTACODIUM miconioides (= jasminoides) HEPTACODIUM miconioides
(= jasminoides)
Seven Son Flower, Airy Shaw
Hibiscus syiacus ´B' TWIST® Lavender´ (´Mingravi4´) HIBISCUS syriacus
´B´TWIST® Lavender´
Garden viburnum 'B'TWIST® Lavender'
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Blue Chiffon´ (´Notwood3´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´Blue Chiffon´ (´Notwood3´)
Tree Hollyhock ´Blue Chiffon´®
HIBISCUS syriacus ´China Chiffon´ (´Bricutts´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´China Chiffon´ (´Bricutts´)
Tree Hollyhock ´China Chiffon´®
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Diana´ HIBISCUS syriacus
Tree Hollyhock ´Diana´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Fiji´(=´Fidji´)® (´Minspot´)Ⓢ(=´Pinky Spot´)® FE® HIBISCUS syriacus
´Fiji´(=´Fidji´)® (´Minspot´) FE®
(=´Pinky Spot´)®
Tree Hollyhock ´Fidji´®
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Flower Tower Purple´ (´Gandini Santiago´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´Flower Tower Purple´ (´Gandini Santiago´)
Column Tree Hollyhock ´Purple Pillar´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Flower Tower Ruby´ (´Gandini van Aart Ruby´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´Flower Tower Ruby´ (´Gandini van Aart Ruby´)
Column Tree Hollyhock ´Flower Tower Ruby´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Flower Tower White (´Gandini van Aart´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´Flower Tower White´ (´Gandini van Aart´)
Column Tree Hollyhock ´White Pillar´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Hamabo´ HIBISCUS syriacus
Tree Hollyhock ´Hamabo´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Helene´ HIBISCUS syriacus
Tree Hollyhock ´Helene´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Lavender Chiffon´ (´Notwoodone´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´Lavender Chiffon´ (´Notwoodone´)
Tree Hollyhock ´Lavender Chiffon´®
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Magenta Chiffon´ (´Rwoods5´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´Magenta Chiffon´ (´Rwoods5´)
Tree Hollyhock ´Magenta Chiffon´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Maike´® (´KOJUHSM´) HIBISCUS syriacus
´Maike´® (´KOJUHSM´)
Tree Hollyhock ´Maike´®
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Marina´ HIBISCUS syriacus
Tree Hollyhock ´Marina´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Mathilda´ HIBISCUS syriacus
Tree Hollyhock ´Mathilda´
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Pink Chiffon´ (´JWNWOOD4´)Ⓢ HIBISCUS syriacus
´Pink Chiffon´ (´JWNWOOD4´)
Tree Hollyhock ´Pink Chiffon´®
HIBISCUS syriacus ´Pink Giant´® (= ´Flogi´) HIBISCUS syriacus
´Pink Giant´®
Tree Hollyhock ´Pink Giant´®
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