Small vitamin bomb
The genus of Ribes include gooseberries and currants. Among the approximately 140 to 160 different species there are numerous varieties for plantations and the use in the private garden. Ribes have no demands on soil and usually tolerate the cold of winter.
In plantations the growing in shrubs was a proven standard. For production of fresh fruits the spindle or hedges education increased. This way of cultivation is favored because of its space-saving method, a higher yield and great fruit qualities.
Ribes are used as fruit shrubs, ornamental plants and the manufacture of perfume. The fruits of red currant (with red and white varieties), the black currant and the gooseberry are used as a ready–to-eat-fruit. The Jostaberry was bred by crossing a black currant with the gooseberry. The blackcurrant flowers are used for the production of perfume.
All currants contain high concentrations of vitamin C and P, gooseberries have many vitamins and minerals. The popular berries are suitable for freezing and of a versatile use in the fresh consumption or culinary.